Jeevan Dhara – Light the Candle


‘LTC – Jeevan Dhara’ project meant to support the under privileged children of the area to build up overall competence and skills while completing their education, launched with the moral & financial support of Light the Candle International Inc., California, on Thursday, 01 April, 2021 at Madangir, Delhi.  Initially we support to 50 children of the locality.inaugural

Fr. Dr. Sebastian OFM Cap. Director of RUPCHA inaugurated the project implementation by lighting the lamp, followed by the Coordinators of SIDE Society.

Goal and Overall Objective: Support the children to build up competence and skills while completing their education.

  • Enhance the process of academic, intellectual and vocational skills of the marginalised children
  • Develop a character, personality and culture, based on the values and morals from the very small age.
  • Develop physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects of the children and helping them to become good citizens
  • Reduce the number of dropouts especially girl children.
  • Improve the quality of education from the primary level.
  • Support children to achieve better score in their academic sessions.

Key Activities

  • Conduct non-formal classes for school going children on regular basis.
  • Organise extra-curricular activities to improve the creativity and skills.
  • Provide nutritional supplements/ food for the physical and intellectual growth of the children
  • Organise the special events (sports and games) with the support of the stakeholders and parents.
  • Organise meetings and events with parents to make sure a peaceful environment for their children’s education and social life.

Expected Impact

  • Strengthened the resilience, determination, confidence, creativity and critical thinking for a better life.
  • Reduced number of dropouts in the age of 10-16 years.
  • Improved academic score and better social life.
  • Improved skills &knowledge through academic sessions and extra-curricular activities